Beginning in April the 5 Rivers Speaker Series kicks off. These seminars are free to the public and will cover a variety of topics. Upcoming schedule:
April 11, 2009 – Skip Essman, Leave No Trace
Be a responsible outdoors person - “Take only pictures, leave only footprints.”
April 18, 2009 – Kayak Fishing Seminar – Hosted by Mobile Bay Kayak Fishing
April 25, 2009 – Reptile Hardships – Adrienne Watkins
Mark your calendar and be sure to come out and visit us for these seminars.
YOUTH DISCOUNTS ~ Educating and enlightening students about the outdoors is something we truly enjoy. This is why we have always and will continue to offer discounts to ALL school and other youth groups.
ECO-WARRIORS ~ Building on the idea of educating our youth is one of our newest initiatives. What we are calling our “Eco-Warrior” courses. These will be aimed at high school and college students interested in experiencing the Delta while learning how to protect and sustain it along with all our other natural wilderness areas. These "camps" will range in length from ½ day to an entire weekend or perhaps more during the summer. Our goal is to create a program with help from local companies and organizations in an effort to offer this opportunity to local students at little to no charge. We are hoping to have the program available this summer. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating in these courses please let us know. Or if you would like to assist us in creating this endeavor we’d love to hear from you - please email 5RDS.com.
MAN VS. WILD ~ We had some exciting guests visit us
recently. Location scouts and technical advisors to the popular Discovery Channel show "Man vs. Wild" spent a few days with us. They contacted us to be their guides and we took them into some extremely remote places of the Delta. They explored marshy grasslands, Cypress / Gum forests, Can Breaks, Got up close to gator wallows and sought out other unique areas. We truly enjoyed working with them and getting a behind-the-scenes look at how this show is created.
GUIDED CANOE & KAYAK SAFARIS ~ As the weather continues to improve we find more and more folks looking to get out and explore. Our canoe & kayak safaris are a great way to do just that. Get up close and personal into some very remote and otherwise inaccessible areas of the Delta. We are now offering 14 different itineraries. These range in length from 4 hours to 2 days and in skill level from beginner to advanced. There is something for everyone. To obtain a copy of our Information Packet with all the details and descriptions of our trips please visit us in person at 5 Rivers, download it here or reply to this e-mail and request a digital copy which we can e-mail to you right away.
MOBILE BOAT SHOW ~ We’d like to thank everyone that took the time to stop and talk with us at this years Boat Show. We had a really good time. It’s always fun to see what’s new and exciting out there on the water.
5 Rivers Delta Safaris Contact Info
I thank you all for taking the time to read our newsletter. I try to keep everyone informed and up-to-date on all the exciting things that are happening. Lately it seems that there is so much it is difficult to mention everything. If I did forget something I’ll be sure to remind y'all in next month’s newsletter. In the meantime come on out and explore with us!
Captain Michael Dorie
Five Rivers Delta Safaris, LLC.
A WildNative Company
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